Could internationalization be the way for your business to grow? New markets are usually within reach and it doesn’t have to be an expensive undertaking. As a marketing-oriented translation agency, we work with many businesses – small and large – to offer their service or product in other countries.
Our Project Managers roughly take the following steps in our localization and translation services:
* Familiarize with the existing marketing strategy.
* Discuss targets and time frames.
* Consult with both marketers and linguists who live in the targeted countries.
* Identify challenges or changes that need to be made to the marketing strategy.
* Agree on which changes can be made.
* Start translation and localization process.
* Solve any unexpected challenges or act on new ideas and improvements.
* Make sure the new marketing texts resonate with the target audience.
* Monitor results.
Textcase is practicing what it’s preaching: we are opening up our brand new Boston office March 1st 2015. It is our very first office in North America and because of this experience we understand the challenges that arise in offering a service or product in a foreign region.
Whether you have a specific plan in place or you’re simply considering internationalization as a possible growth strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to sharing our experiences, solving problems, seeking out possibilities for multi-lingual customer service and much, much more.