Our Linguists

We're proud of our global network


Our Linguists

Our global network consists of more than 2500 linguists. Each person has their own style, interests and fields of expertise. We link the right person to the right job and we constantly work on developing our talents.

Linguist selection and training, testing & auditing

We value a close collaboration between our linguists and our project managers. Some linguists have been working with Textcase for more than 15 years, we’re proud of that!

We actively…

… connect with potential new translators on a daily basis. We receive up to 15 applications from linguists daily, from which we make selections. Of course, we also reach out to new linguists ourselves.

… communicate via Skype, Gchat, Google Hangouts, LinkedIn and e-mail/telephone.

… provide feedback through edits from editors and project managers.

We check translation quality through three main pillars:

  • Has meaning accurately been conveyed? This is the first and most basic purpose of translation.
  • Is the text smooth? In terms of word choice, sentence structure and so forth.
  • Does the style and tone-of-voice match the vision and goal?

Every translation is edited by at least one second native speaker.

Receive more details about our quality control, contact us!

Join our team!

We are always looking to meet talented people who love language and culture. Whether you’re looking for freelance jobs or a project management position, we’d love to hear from you. Check out our ‘jobs’ page to find out if we have an opening that fits your profile!

Our team

Koert van der Scheer

Koert van der Scheer

Managing Director

After spending decades at different publishing houses as interim manager, owner Koert van der Scheer acquired Textcase in 2006 to start his own business.

Corline Speijers

Corline Speijers

Jr. Project Manager

As a Junior Project Manager, Corline coordinates several international translation projects. She is also responsible for Textcase’s social media accounts and (online) marketing. Corline is very passionate about languages, cultures and new media.

Corline just graduated from the Christian University of Applied Sciences in Ede (Bachelor in Communications). She loves tropical temperatures, likes to go to the gym to Bodypump, loves European citytrips and can’t say ‘no’ to chocolate cookies.


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